Sunday, April 24, 2016

La Jolla Half Marathon 2016

La Jolla Half Marathon was the second race of the 'Triple Crown' Series. This was the toughest race so far, because of the elevation gain. You have to climb almost 400 feet from miles 5-7. Finished 13.1 miles in 2 hours 17 minutes.

During the Expo
View just before climbing the Torrey pine mountain..)

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Hollywood 10K Run

A Hollywood 10K Run. I wanted to participate in all the categories of running race - 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Full Marathon and a Relay. As I already have participated in a 5K/HM and FM, I wanted to run this 10K race. It was a rainy day (There was a rain even just hours before the race), so I just wanted to complete instead of going for the personal record. I participated this race with my best buddies Sampath and Amuthan.

With Sampath and Amuthan

Friday, April 1, 2016

Ragnar Relay SoCal - 2016

Ragnar Relay Southern California is one of the most popular races in the series for a big reason - the course is spectacular! Kicking things off in Huntington Beach, you'll Run, Drive, Sleep, Repeat under the California sunshine, beneath the stars at night, and over epic coastlines. Teams will finish and party Ragnar-style after conquering the nearly 200 mile course at the finish line party in San Diego.

I completed my first full Marathon just a month back and I wanted to take this challenge of running 200+ miles with other 11 runners.

First time I ran during the middle of night..)
I got one extra medal - for completing a Marathon and Ragnar in the same calendar year of 2016. Double happy..)